Vadio is a small family operation located in the village of Poutena in the Bairrada region, run by Luis Patrao, his girlfriend Eduarda Dias, and Luis's father Dinis. It is a small project, where one of the main goals is the recovery of Bairrada's traditional grape varieties and the production of authentic DOC Bairrada wines, using Baga, Cerceal, Bical and Arinto. There are two very distinct vineyard blocks and an old warehouse that has been adapted in a very simple manner for the production of wine. Our wines present a very classic style that intends to respect the authenticity of the region and the character of its grapes. We practice a viticulture that is based on sustainability through an integrated production approach, protecting the region’s biodiversity. We believe that through this process, we can concede a greater authenticity and character to our wines. We resort to family labor and occasionally to some local rural workers, enabling a better use and development of the region’s capabilities and resources.